

This beautiful country of ours was not founded by one man or woman, but by a possible of people that believed that they had a right to enjoy freedom. On this month’s newsletter I want to highlight that no one does it alone. We all have talents and abilities that help to define who we...



As a caregiver it can be difficult to encourage someone who is not feeling well, or that has dealt recently with a serious illness, to bath at a rate that encourages good health. In many of these instances an aide will be required to document a refusal on behalf of the client. When this occurs...


Currently Persistant

As a company we have a lot of challenges to overcome including things like, competition, size and demographics.  However, we are excited to state, “staying persistent when consistency is not always available has found its fruition for us.” Good luck is when opportunity meets preparation, while bad luck is when lack of preparation meets reality.  ...


Labor of Love

It is often difficult for family members to care for aging parents for long periods of time. In order to continue to care for these individuals you must remember that this is a labor of love. A labor of love does not mean that it is easy or that you as the caregiver are going...



So many people consider a resolution for the new year and we as a company are no different.  We are hoping to continue to assist those in the community that need in home assistance.  We are grateful for the 2018 closure, many lessons learned, and many friends gone.  We as a company are still looking...


Joy in Moments

This is one of the busiest seasons for many of us and we can often feel overwhelm by schedules that try to please everyone. Let’s take a moment to find joy in the times that matter. If it brings you joy to shop. Do it! If its more your style to create the feast that...


The Struggle

Yes, that’s right this article is going to touch on my personal struggle to be successful. You read it right, I too, am one of those people that is unsure and really do struggle with the idea of success. Can you imagine me having an annual salary of $1,000,000? Just as an example. Wisdom is...


Sad Month

The loss of family is never easy. It doesn’t matter how much time you have in advance when illness or death occur the loss is still real.  How do you go about picking up the pieces? Even illness can cause the grief process to begin, the length and duration of persons grief is not something...


Bone Health

Did you know that the disease of osteoporosis can be preventable? Weight bearing exercise and the proper combination of nutrients like magnesium, potassium and calcium can fuel the rebuilding of soft or brittle bones. Now don’t miss understand if you have received a diagnosis of osteoporosis or other brittle bone disorders you can have a...


Vitamin K

Did you know that the dark circles under your eyes could be a vitamin K deficiency? According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey the vitamin supplements that are most commonly are missing in Americans diets include vitamin D, B6, A and K.  Vitamin K is necessary for optimal health as it is responsible...