

As a caregiver it can be difficult to encourage someone who is not feeling well, or that has dealt recently with a serious illness, to bath at a rate that encourages good health. In many of these instances an aide will be required to document a refusal on behalf of the client. When this occurs more than once in a short period of time, it can look like a regular pattern. Some other issues that can arise with bathing are concerns with safety and fear from the client of falls or slips.

“Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessing.”

Pubilius Syrus

Keeping it in mind that no one wants to look unkept or unclean. These concerns can be frustrating for both parties if not handle with kindness and consideration for the clients concerns. As you encourage small steps toward the bigger picture of a full bath here are a couple of ideas to encourage action. Depending on the individual’s abilities make sure that the room itself is safe for getting in and out. This can include non-slip mats and grab bars, good lighting and all needed supplies. Having a space that is tempered to preference for a warm dressing experience is often helpful.

If the need is simpler because of their abilities, then a simple action for the caregiver is to set out the items needed in advance. However, if they have had an illness that is limiting their participation then it maybe more successful to have a warm washcloth and a small hand towel to allow for the face and hands to be washed regularly if the client insists that they do not need to shower at the rate prescribed.

Either way it is our responsibility to remain kind.