Vitamin D & Sunburn

Vitamin D & Sunburn

One of the best sources for Vitamin D is the summer sun . It helps to maintain healthy bones, supports muscle and improves immune function. For those of us that don’t get much time out side, a vitamin supplement is recommended for continued health.
However, it is best to use caution and avoid sunburn. If sunburn occurs, it is important to treat it correctly and in the right way.

To survive it is often necessary to fight, and to fight you have to dirty yourself.

George Orwell

According to Leaders of Health Care, you should use a pain reliever for the discomfort and apply cool compresses to the affected areas. Other over the counter items like Aloe Vera and moisturizers can help as well. Speak with your doctor or pharmacist if you have further concerns about your sunburn.
Other than that, get out stay active and enjoy the sunshine. It’s good for you!