It’s nearly May and we are all suffering from a touch of spring fever.  I want to wander the paths and sing, “It’s May, It’s May the lusty month of May.”  The flowers are making their appearance and my mind is on gardening.  Such a rewarding hobby that tastes so good.

This month we are glad to welcome two new members to our care giving team.  Lauren Haynes joins our nursing staff from Cove Utah……..WELCOME, Lauren!

MacKenzie Bartholomew joins us in our care giving efforts. Mackenzie is our office secretary and we are thrilled to add her skill set to client services as well. GLAD TO HAVE YOU, MacKenzie!  With the help of these fine ladies we continue our efforts to serve more of you better.

” Never forget this basic fact about yourself, you are greater and finer than you think you are.”   

Norman Vincent Peale

One of the really rewarding parts of doing this job is the truly amazing people we get to work with.  There is so much to learn from your experiences and the way you handle life.  Watching you and assisting you and feeling of your spirit truly enriches our lives and we are grateful for the chance to rub shoulders with you. 

Office hours: M-F 8 am to 10 am and Wednesdays from 5pm to 8pm