
It has always been easy for me to be kind to an individual until I feel harmed or wronged. I am sure many of you feel the same way.  However, in the true spirit of kindness I know I need to look a little closer.

Let me explain, I have had many occasions of abusive behaviors acted out against me by people I thought I was helping. It took those moments for me to realize that I had a choice to make.  I could carry around the baggage of fear, judgement and distain or I could learn to be kind. I could look a little closer at my choices.

Kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve. 

Joseph Joubert

Who do I want to be?
How is this harming me?
Is this the type of person I want people to know me as?
The answer is I may be tough, but I am kind. I may be serious, but I am very forgiving. I may be quiet, but I believe in fairness.  I hope that we can all work toward being kinder to each other as we may not know the circumstance or the reason of another.

It may also interest you to know our Facebook page focused on this topic this month.