
This season has been the worst for influenza type A according to the Cache Valley Bear River Clinics report to the Radio station 103.9. After hearing this and speaking with my doctor I think better facts of this season need to be expressed. For instance, did you know that if you did get the influenza vaccination that it has the potential of only being 20 % effective against this strain of the flu. Or that 65% or higher are being admitted to the hospital ages 65 and under for progression of illness from the flu to bronchitis or pneumonia. This flu season is being recorded as one of the nastiest in this valley for the last 10 years. So, what can be done to reduce your risk? What should be done if exposed or experiencing symptoms?

Get plenty of fluid and good sleep. These two points seem to be vital to good health. Also make sure that you are washing your hands frequently, clean door knobs regularly especially if you have had company as this strain takes about 5 to 7 days to present symptoms. Take a daily supplement like Emergen C, Elderberry or other Herbal supplements can be very helpful for those of us that do not always eat our best.

To the sick, while there is life there is hope.


If you have been exposed and are not yet experiencing symptoms you can ask your doctor to prescribe Tamaflu, an antibiotic pack that is designed to reduce exposure risk. If you are experiencing symptoms go to the doctor. The reason I say this is because I work with people that are compromised in other areas of their health and yet are often very hesitant to see the doctor. When I was at my doctor for the same thing, I was prescribed an antibiotic, a steroid to open airways and a short-term inhaler for better breathing.

Remember that your health matters to your level of life style. Take care of you and don’t hesitate to receive necessary care.