Food Processes and Nutrition

Food Processes and Nutrition

Do you know how your food is prepared? What are the main ingredients? Are there added items you don’t need as part of your nutritional choices? What are some better choices for daily changes if needed?

Reading the nutritional labels on packages and premade food can be important if you have any dietary restrictions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes just to name a few. This quick check of nutritional data can help you make better choices as you prepare your daily meals.

Elbow grease gives the best polish.


If you have food allergies that create physical symptoms, are you making purchases that reduce those items measure, or are you suffering needlessly with allergic reactions.

Checking for foods high in proteins and vitamins are important to the body’s overall health and should not be avoided. The fresher we can eat, the healthier the foods will be with the nutrients we are seeking for health reasons.

For example, when I started dieting, I changed from wheat bread to no bread, or one slice of white, as it is easier for me to avoid IBS and other allergy type symptoms. This is a big change with just one item in my daily routine. Eat to feel healthy!