Fitness/Continued Freedom

Fitness can often seem to be a four letter word. We all know there are things that can be done on a day to day basis the allow for better physical and mental health in this consideration we then have an overall continued freedom to do to those things in which we can be passionate. This is the top consideration in the home health care industry.

Symptoms that can be reduced or relieved by regular fitness and proper nutrition are; stress, anxiety, depression, thyroid disorder, blood pressure, diabetes fear and so many more ailments. So many in fact that there is not enough time in my day to get them all in here. Let not forget to mention the Mental health benefits and over all physical abilities stay in tack for as long as we are using them.

Cucumber Lemon Water Recipe for Weight Loss
1.     1/2 Lemon thinly sliced
2.     1/4 Cucumber thinly sliced- save 2 slices to place on your eyes
3.     Ice
4.     Water

You need a regular routine, goals can be as simple or complex as desired but each goal needs to challenge the routine to meet the result. On average a healthy routine is from three to five days each week. Entering the disclaimer here. Always consult your physician or health care provider for what is the best solution for your health now.

Now that this is out of the way. Remember this is all for improved health so do not intentionally strain past what is safe in a position or technique until you are comfortable with the repetition of the program. Give you self-time to rest and don’t give up just because you did not finish the task all the way through the first time. This is all about building stamina and maintaining strength. Pick a routine that is appropriate for you and your current health. This is very important as your future goals can build upon what you are able to complete now. Use small steps if it is easier to stay more consistent. For example, I am personally walking 5 minutes longer each day because I have been ill and my stamina is not as high as I like. This is okay because I can increase each week by 5 minutes and still be making improvements.

Remember that with fitness plans hydration is always appropriate, a regular time of day with little to no distractions, writing the goals down and tracking the results in a positive manner can be very beneficial to organizing this personally strengthening time.