Eye Health

It is so very important not to lose sight of the things that matter, in this instance I am referring to our literal eye health.  It is commonly known that as we age the body goes through deficiencies that decrease optimization or function of the varied aspects of our healthy body. One such way of increasing care and reducing this deficit is with vitamin supplements.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

Author unknown

Vitamin C  and Vitamin E along with a well sourced Omega 3 is one way in which we can supplement the health of our eyes. Another is in reducing screen time from our phones and other devices. It is also a good practice to participate in yearly checks, especially when you know you have eye health issues. Changes as we age are to be expected. Healthy practices are part of being your best self. Don’t limit your potential of doing things you love from poor sight issues. I have several loved ones that can now see the difference of care vs neglect in this area of health. I encourage you to schedule today if you are having any issues with sight.