
Some days exercise may seem like a four-letter word. And like some people, I am the worst at keeping a regular exercise routine. However, research shows that the more time we take to exercise the more we can reduce illnesses that affect bone health, mental health and cardiovascular health.

My personal recommendation is to focus on small increments of time to begin. Now as always make sure you are coordinating any exercise routine with your primary care physician. They can help create a routine that works with any limitations you may have. For example, I have vertigo and find it hard to do standing exercises that really limits my options, but my doctor recommended floor and chair routines instead of running and jumping rope like I use to do when younger. This has been a wonderful change to my routine as it allows me to feel like I can do something to improve my current health.

This is really the point, each time we try, to do more than we did the time before. It allows us to keep on track with personal goals for our over physical health. If you miss a routine, don’t worry about it just start again. The goal should be to keep trying to improve our self.