

Depression and some ideas on looking forward to a brighter day. There are many sides to the term depression for some it is many hours of sleep, for others it is more serious and interferes with activities of daily living. Whatever degree of depression you may suffer with there are many tools that can be integrated into a routine of habit that helps to ward off continued blue days with no direction, motivation or energy.

For starters drinking plenty of water and eating nutritiously is key to gaining energy. Secondly, regular hours of sleep as recommended by the CDC is 8 to 10 hours each night. This is the time in which the brains chemical levels of balance can equalize and become more manageable days. Writing can be beneficial I could suggest a gratitude journal, but remember this is the kind that you can put down the activities of the day but by the end of the entry your gratitude statement should be present. There are multiple facets of benefit from this type of activity. Especially, for those of you that have memory issues with your depression pattern. It can be a great emotional tool as well providing perspective on rational or irrational though patterns upon review. Minutes of exercise at least 5 each day or up to 30 minutes every other day, this depends completely on your physician’s considerations, however, it is vital to living a stronger life.

These are only a few of the things that can be done to develop a good habit that will help to lift the mood and encourage regular activity levels in a day. It is also a good idea to take at least one day off each week. Everyone needs a moment to refill personally. It is my hope that this month’s newsletter will inspire you to try something new. Add a positive to your day and see how contagious it really is.