COVID 19 Reminders

COVID 19 Reminders

No matter your thought on this illness, or its validity of origin, let me just reiterate we are, “better to play it safe than to be sorry.” We as caregivers to your loved ones will continue to follow safety guidelines.

We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.

Benjamin Franklin
  • Stay Home every chance you get.
  • Wear a mask in public and make sure to socially distance yourself.
  • Stay well, take care of your health.
  • Do all that you can to avoid all illness.

We care about you and your loved ones. We can get through this pandemic together in a safe and responsible way, no matter how we personally feel about these guidelines and the illness that has presented this challenge to our lives. One last note for this month’s newsletter- Flu shots are now available and this is one way we can take care of our health. If you are due for a flu shot make sure to get it scheduled today.