I hope this months newsletter finds you comfortable and home when ever possible. I want to emphasize the symptoms and the precautions we all should be using during this critical time for our nation and our families. So remember that the symptoms of COVID-19 present like a cold or flu. Symptoms can include fever, cough, shortness of breath and other respiratory distress. If you have any of these symptoms please seek medical attention immediately. I would also like to remind each of you that social distancing is recommended by the CDC as well as wearing a mask while in public. Most importantly wash your hands. Cold or hot water doesn’t matter as long as you are using soap and running water frequently you can do your part to help reduce the risk of contacting this virus.

A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.

English Proverb

We are here to serve you and your loved ones with chore services, medication pickup and more. We value your well being and are doing our best to support you during this time. Thank you.