
Change, why is it that so many people are afraid to embrace change? Please don’t misunderstand I too find that it is not easy to adjust to change the first time it brushes against a demanding schedule. Especially, when it interferes with the many tasks in a person’s day. But keep in mind that changing the ways in which we complete an errand or task can keep life from being mundane. For example, I drive the same streets to and from work every day. As I am sure many of you also do. So, I challenged myself to take a different route on Tuesday. I understand you are probably wondering why. It’s simple I have created this adventure in my week to promote change. Something new in a positive direction. A direction in which I control my direction. Although part of this is rhetorical the other variables are clear. A challenge to the system that creates a brain game. Less risk of cruise control here. 

Life is for Living


If you must, you can consider this a force of change intentionally initiated. It wakes the receptors in the brain that allow for higher levels of problem solving. Quicker reflective properties assist with this change. And probably more importantly you have then opened your mind to change. Now you may be wondering why this is important. This is only my opinion as to its importance. We must challenge ourselves for change. I find that many of the individuals that I encounter that have issues with change, this can be an item in the wrong spot, or an item of clothing not properly folded by  partner, either change in some instances has created a stress reaction to the situation that could have been avoided if only they could be receptive to change. Avoiding high stress situations have with research proven to be a healthier life style. 

So, if you are like me you may need some motivation, I have found that ginger is very energizing, its warm aroma and soothing anti-inflammatory properties can be a real benefit in the diet to reduce stress and provide nutritional energy according to the Healthy Living Made Simple March /April 2017 issue titled “Ginger”.

Here it is the challenge before spring arrives, embrace change, enjoy the opportunity to shake it up. Continue to be receptive to learning, and understanding.