
Electronic Verification

It has been a crazy month already as we are moving forward with a major change to our documentation and verification processes for the State of Idaho licensing requirements. We are learning a new program that allows for all documentation to be submitted electronically with GPS verification and mobile app functions. This is creating some...

A Time for Giving

A Time for Giving

A winter wonderland is upon us and many of our residents are home bound. In this season of caring and sharing we are encouraging visitors and neighbors to include and give to clients and others in need. Please, also let me note here that our company policy is that no gifts are to be exchanged...

A Season of Miracles

A Season of Miracles

It seems to never fail I am often too impatient for my own circumstances and yet, here I am with a heart full of gratitude as our business is growing, and moving forward into the future. Most literally my family and I have been homeless for just over 2 years. My parents have helped as...



This month has brought a new season of reminders for our clients care as well as for ourselves. One such reminder is for the flu vaccine, if you choose to vaccinate for this flu season make sure you get this completed as soon as possible as most are covered by insurance at no cost to...



My heart is full this month as we have had many changes and have needed lots of support from our team. So, considering all the assistance I have received not only operating this business but also in figuring out how to make it the image we have wanted from the beginning. I feel I would...


Currently Persistant

As a company we have a lot of challenges to overcome including things like, competition, size and demographics.  However, we are excited to state, “staying persistent when consistency is not always available has found its fruition for us.” Good luck is when opportunity meets preparation, while bad luck is when lack of preparation meets reality.  ...


Labor of Love

It is often difficult for family members to care for aging parents for long periods of time. In order to continue to care for these individuals you must remember that this is a labor of love. A labor of love does not mean that it is easy or that you as the caregiver are going...


Persevere or Pursue

It is often difficult to determine between our desire to right a wrong or a very primal response of revenge. Let me explain, in December we as a company took a huge hit due to a disgruntled contractor and web page manager, blowing up Google with slanderous statements. This was extremely upsetting due to the...



In a quick review of the first half of the year I can see some amazing transition for our company. We are not only publishing our own website and monthly newsletter. We are engaging in expansion of the services in which we can assist others. This now includes medical transportation and chore services. Medical transportation...


Spirit of Gratitude

It is in the spirit of gratitude that this month’s newsletter is issued. We have much to appreciate and to be grateful for. As we reflect into a season of retail and bitter cold, let’s take a minute to understand the healing power of a positive attitude. After the hustle of this time of year...

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