COVID 19 Reminders

COVID 19 Reminders

No matter your thought on this illness, or its validity of origin, let me just reiterate we are, “better to play it safe than to be sorry.” We as caregivers to your loved ones will continue to follow safety guidelines. We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately. Benjamin...


Eye Health

It is so very important not to lose sight of the things that matter, in this instance I am referring to our literal eye health.  It is commonly known that as we age the body goes through deficiencies that decrease optimization or function of the varied aspects of our healthy body. One such way of...



Resolve feels like the positive sibling a family of negatives. Battling with anxiety, depression and other disabilities just makes it feel as though the family is always stressed and then there is resolve. Resolve comes in and separates the sibling and speaks gently but firmly as to the direction and effort of the family/unit of...



Man is it hot, hot, hot! Some tips on staying hydrated, avoiding heat stroke and heatexhaustion. Let’s first start with what they mean. Hydration is the process of fluid intake toabsorb water. Heat stroke is a condition marked by fever and often by unconsciousness,caused by failure of the body’s temperature-regulating mechanism when exposed toexcessively high...

Medication Management

Medication Management

I have received a very important reminder on Medication management this month. It is so important that you stay compliant with doctor’s orders and your medications. I have informed my doctor that sometime I might forget, or don’t take them as the bottle reads. This is not the best practice but absolutely an important factor...



I hope this months newsletter finds you comfortable and home when ever possible. I want to emphasize the symptoms and the precautions we all should be using during this critical time for our nation and our families. So remember that the symptoms of COVID-19 present like a cold or flu. Symptoms can include fever, cough,...

A Something

A Something

COVID-19, or Coronavirus, has many of us worried about the future and how we will take care of ourselves and serve our neighbors, while using ones best judgement to abide by shelter in/quarantine practices, during this pandemic. Common practices such as hand washing, staying home when sick, adhering to physical and mental well-being practices, will...

It’s all about Heart

It’s all about Heart

It has been a month full of excitement and stress. As standard as this may seem, to be a regular kind of life, the point of this months newsletter is heart health. Consideration by our client base has been unexpectedly delightful as we have focused on second hand smoke and the risk it posses to...

Crippling Moments

Crippling Moments

For those of us that suffer from anxiety a crippling moment can be as simple as a flat tire, even though you have a spare. Insufficient funds in a banking account when medications are needed. Or, in many cases of anxiety, any other uncomfortable encounter that makes us feel unloved, devalued, or insufficient. -A candle...