

Some days exercise may seem like a four-letter word. And like some people, I am the worst at keeping a regular exercise routine. However, research shows that the more time we take to exercise the more we can reduce illnesses that affect bone health, mental health and cardiovascular health. My personal recommendation is to focus...



According to Wikipedia, communication is defined as “the act of conveying intended meaning to another entity through the use of mutually understood signs and semiotic rules. The basic steps of communication are the forming of communicative intent, message composition, message encoding, transmission of signal, reception of signal, message decoding and finally interpretation of the message...


Benefits of Reminiscing

There are many important benefits to remember the events and moments in our lives and the lives of those we love this month, Memorial Day is just one day where this truth is brought back into focus. For those that struggle with remembering, reminiscing is just as important as food and drink. Memories can include...


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential in healthy blood cells, nerve cells, and proteins in the body. Vitamin B12 also help with Metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. You can obtain B12 through supplements or through certain foods. Examples of these foods are beef, egg yolk, seafood, lamb, and mozzarella cheese just to name a few. If you...



This season has been the worst for influenza type A according to the Cache Valley Bear River Clinics report to the Radio station 103.9. After hearing this and speaking with my doctor I think better facts of this season need to be expressed. For instance, did you know that if you did get the influenza...


Topic of Love

As life would have it those of us that know the meaning of love are often and in most cases those that have experienced that once in a life time unconditional love. This may include a spouse or significant other at first thought, but I want to focus on a perspective that can often be...


Persevere or Pursue

It is often difficult to determine between our desire to right a wrong or a very primal response of revenge. Let me explain, in December we as a company took a huge hit due to a disgruntled contractor and web page manager, blowing up Google with slanderous statements. This was extremely upsetting due to the...


Winter Health and Why It Matters

Many people are prone to a decrease of immune function in the winter months due to many variables. The Southeastern Health Department is reminding those that are easily compromised to get vaccinated against this year’s flu season. This is one of the things that can be done to increase immune health others include, increasing your...


Including Loved Ones

The holidays are quickly approaching, and we would like to send reminders to friends and family to reach out and include all family members in the upcoming holiday season. There is a joy with visiting that expresses appreciation and love for those that may be home bound. As holiday planning is underway we ask that...


Ground Vegetables & Some of Their Nutrients

It’s that time of year when the mornings are crisp and just a bit chilly, and the afternoons are perfect for getting a little bit more done around the yard and in the garden. Mainly harvesting of the ground vegetables like sweet potatoes, beets, carrots and a variety of squash. But did you know that...