A Something

A Something

COVID-19, or Coronavirus, has many of us worried about the future and how we will take care of ourselves and serve our neighbors, while using ones best judgement to abide by shelter in/quarantine practices, during this pandemic. Common practices such as hand washing, staying home when sick, adhering to physical and mental well-being practices, will not only insure better health at this time but will allow us as a nation to find a something.

“A smile is a light in the window of a face which shows that the heart is at home.”


Let me explain. By this I mean practice your well-being, have a family night, if it’s just you and your spouse, have a date night, do something that you’ll remember for years to come because you never know when you’re going to get an opportunity like this again.
For example do homemade ice cream, or watercolors, really use your imagination what could you do that you and your children, and or spouse, could benefit from.
Parents remember to spend time with your children individually as this will build bonds that will last a lifetime. Don’t forget technology can help with this period of time as we can snap and chat and message.