Prevention Month

Prevention Month

October is the month for prevention observation. Some items included in this month are: fire safety, breast cancer awareness, and heart attack and stroke preventions.

You would think with all the times we go to the doctor’s to stay well, that we could remember the simple preventions and reviews that can not only save our lives but extend our lives with well being and health. Well, just in case you are a lot like me; here is your reminder and why these items matter.

Fire prevention and safety exiting the home in case of fire are obvious, but have you done it? Have you taken the time to remove tripping hazards, update batteries in alarms and refresh extinguishers and planned the escape paths from each room? It seems silly, but according to fire marshals across the State of Idaho, it takes less than 2.5 seconds for a home to be engulfed in smoke and flames.

Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory.

Spanish Proverb

Next, for both men and woman, breast cancer awareness is vital. Not only is it easier to treat when caught early, the cost burden will be so much less on you and your finances when checks are done as regularly as your doctor prescribes. Know the symptoms and warning signs, if any questions or concerns arise contact the doctor for a check right away. After all, no one wants to live with cancer.

Finally, heart health. The prevention and treatment of stroke and heart disease can be one of great importance, as there are many that will have multiple issues once this type of event occurs.
What can be done? First and foremost, listen to the physician. Get a second opinion if needed, and be proactive. Paying attention to diet and exercise can greatly reduce these risks according to the American Heart Association.