Labor of Love

It is often difficult for family members to care for aging parents for long periods of time. In order to continue to care for these individuals you must remember that this is a labor of love. A labor of love does not mean that it is easy or that you as the caregiver are going to always be pleasant or well-tempered. As caregivers we often find ourselves with burn out symptoms. Symptoms of burn out may include stress, sleep deprivation, low energy levels, low self-care and can in some cases lead to mental health issues, according to the Active Beat website.

So, what can you do to avoid burn out and continue in the labor of love? I would recommend that you consider respite care or companion services through the Arthur Retirement Community. This is a schedule freeing moment that allows you as the caregiver to make and keep personal appointments without worry. It could also be recommended to make sure that your personal routine includes self-cares that make you feel pampered. For myself this includes things like foot soaks and manicures. For you it maybe something like a facial, walk in the park or spending time with a friend.

More importantly I believe we need to remember that although they may not express it regularly, they could not complete these tasks of daily living without your assistance. Again, we are willing to help with any case we can to provide professional caregivers for you and your loved one.