
So many people consider a resolution for the new year and we as a company are no different.  We are hoping to continue to assist those in the community that need in home assistance.  We are grateful for the 2018 closure, many lessons learned, and many friends gone.  We as a company are still looking forward to the many ways that we can assist and learn and grow.

You are the artist of your life. Don’t give the
paintbrush to anyone else.         


Now what is the consensus, is a resolution a bad thing? Does it really set you up to fail or does it provide a vantage point for reflection and reminiscing? Googles internet dictionary gives two definitions;
“1. a firm decision to do or not to do something;
2. the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.”

In both definitions there is an opportunity for action. As we act for the choices in our lives, we can better each day by each choice. However, you still must desire to resolve. To do something about whatever the issue might be.