The Struggle

Yes, that’s right this article is going to touch on my personal struggle to be successful. You read it right, I too, am one of those people that is unsure and really do struggle with the idea of success. Can you imagine me having an annual salary of $1,000,000? Just as an example.

Wisdom is saying only what you are willing to do….

R. Cushman

 On the other hand, I have people that I work with that have this same struggle and yet they have only a small idea the support they can provide. Oh, how I appreciate them. I appreciate them because they help me to be successful, to see the path in front of me clearer, but they also have a potential to leave me onto struggle for myself. The truth of this matter is that I can do all the things I ask of others and not feel ashamed or afraid. Doing this consistently is where the struggle is real. There are multiple materials on this type of thinking, one example is “The Secret” written by Rhonda Byrne.

 I suffer with depression and anxiety as well as some anti-inflammatory disorder. This makes my health a real struggle sometimes and I have a down hill slope for the symptoms to make a full approach when stress is high. Well this month the stress is high.  We are working towards opening an additional branch in Oregon, rebuilding and recommitting to our media presents through Facebook and the company website. We are hoping to hire no less than five full time contractors, and an additional Registered Nurse. This is a ton of work, but it also something I am so excited to adapt into my dreams realized. Here we go!