Persevere or Pursue

It is often difficult to determine between our desire to right a wrong or a very primal response of revenge. Let me explain, in December we as a company took a huge hit due to a disgruntled contractor and web page manager, blowing up Google with slanderous statements. This was extremely upsetting due to the falsehoods told to everyone on the internet. The damages and loss to my company were overwhelming.

What was the best solution? To pursue legal compensation and retraction of statements, or to persevere and move forward knowing that it can be one of the pit falls to business? It took several weeks of heartfelt research of myself, the company and the overall desired result.

“Think as you work, for in the final analysis your worth to your company comes not only in solving problems but in anticipating them.”

Herbert H. Ross

Personally, as the owner of this company, I did take it personally. However, in the long term and with the desired hope to continue a business based on trust, and caring professionals. I chose to persevere.

I believe at this time it is in the best interest of the company to always look forward to a brighter day and not to be defined by the opinion of others. We as a company are grateful and excited for another year and hope to increase the lives of those we work with.