Power of Routine

Everyday routines can and do provide a higher level of function. It can even help to battle diseases like depression and anxiety. How does a routine do this? Well with good daily habits like taking all medications as prescribed, morning, noon, and night, regular eating schedule with attention to healthy choices, and routines rotated for exercise and completed even on, “I don’t want to” days, provide many health benefits, mental, physical and emotional.

We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.”

George Bernard Shaw

Some of the benefits from a regular routine include increased endorphin’s through exercise which provides more energy. Serotonin increases with good night’s sleep allowing for healing through the night. Sleep and exercise go hand in hand as they are both highly beneficial for a person’s overall health. It has been said that people that suffer from anxiety and depression do not have good sleep patterns or regular exercise habits. This can easily be overcome with a consistent effort to the routine.