Spirit of Gratitude

It is in the spirit of gratitude that this month’s newsletter is issued. We have much to appreciate and to be grateful for. As we reflect into a season of retail and bitter cold, let’s take a minute to understand the healing power of a positive attitude.

After the hustle of this time of year we can all have moments that lead to outbursts of frustration, maybe some road rage and even a minor emotional breakdown when you realize you burned dinner or some other disaster.

Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in.


 Even though these things can happen and may already be happening to you it is no reason to let your attitude reflect this frustration or negative energy. Disease loves to feed on things like hatred, fear and worry. It has been studied endlessly by many in the medical field and it is proven. People that maintain a Positive attitude during and through a hard experience have a higher chance of recovery without relapse.

Does this mean that you can’t be upset by an unfairness or injustice? Absolutely, Not! It simply means that you need to allow it to roll off your system or body energy. When that angry moment happens take the time to release the anger that built up enough to upset you. If you’re thinking how do I do this? It’s not difficult but it does take practice. See you cannot make this attempt without applying it to all individuals or circumstances in each day. Like I said it takes practice.

First tip to making this Positive attitude a habit is to acknowledge the offense and then breath. Breathing releases negative energy. This is also true with tears, so if you’re like me and you cry when your upset. Let it roll, cry it out! When you complete this step you then need to mentally find the positive thing that happened in the situation. It may be a very small something but the habit-forming part is to take the action required to find the POSITIVE.

Not only will you live longer, with less risk of serious disease but you will be better prepared for those moments that structure your attitude. Stay Positive life is good.